African NDC Investment Summit & Awards, 2 December 2023, COP 28, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

An Institutional Investor-Public Partnership Green Infrastructure Investment Projects Showcase.



Co-hosted by The African Union Development Agency (AUDA) Continental Business Network, Africa Investor (Ai) Group, The NDC Partnership and The African Green Infrastructure Investment Bank (AfGIIB), on the Margins of COP28.

African NDC Investment Summit & Awards, An African Green Infrastructure Investment Project showcase.

The African NDC Investment Summit & Awards, will showcase NDC projects, initiatives, investment strategies, as well as energy projects and M&A opportunities. The Summit will reconcile these projects with “Just Transition investment models and innovative institutional investor-public partnerships (IIPP’s) legal and regulatory frameworks, to mobilize capital at scale and deploy that capital at speed for Africa’s $3trn of Nationally determined contribution projects (NDC’s), and green hydrogen investment projects seeking capital.

The Summit will host the inaugural African NDC Investment Awards, designed to inspire speedy implementation and greater ambition across all NDCs. These awards will recognize excellence amongst public and private sector infrastructure and investment leaders. It will reward the institutions and individuals driving bankable NDC transactions and highlight those committed to reducing the climate finance and investment gap. The NDC Investment Awards is the only international, pan-African awards that recognize and reward both public and private sector institutions who are working to innovate and break new ground to mobilize investment and private sector participation at scale in Africa’s NDC Paris aligned climate investment commitments and projects.

The Summit will be Chaired by Dr. Hubert Danso, Chairman of Africa investor Group and the Chair of the NDC Awards Adjudication panel


11h00 -11h15: Opening Ceremony

  • Dr. Hubert Danso, Chairman of Africa investor Group and the Chair of the NDC Awards Adjudication panel.
  • Bekele-Thomas, Chief Executive Officer, AUDA-NEPAD

11:15 – 12:15: NDC and Climate Investment Initiatives Showcase

Leaders in this session will showcase catalytic private capital mobilization and project pipeline initiatives, to mobilize private capital at scale for Africa’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), and energy investment projects. 

Pablo Vieira, Global Director, The NDC Partnership

  • Dr Sharon Fitzgerald, Partner, DLA Piper,
  • Sharon Thorne, Global Chair, Deloitte,
  • Hendrik Malan, CEO, Frost & Sullivan Africa,
  • Theis Simonsen. CEO, DECARD

Closing Remarks:

  • Damilola Ogunbiyi, CEO and UN SRSG for Sustainable Energy for All, Co-Chair of UN-Energy


12h15-13h00: Institutional Investor-Public Partnerships (IIPP) Blended Investment Panel

Institutional investors commanding over $200trn of assets globally, will discuss the importance of Institutional Investor-Public Partnerships (IIPP), catalyzed by MDB’s, Regional Banks and DFI de-risking at scale, to crowd-in private capital at scale, to securitize Africa’s $3trn of NDC and energy investment opportunities.

Dr. Hubert Danso, Chairman of Africa investor Group and the Chair of the NDC Awards Adjudication panel.

  • Frannie Leautier, Chair, G20 Panel, Reviewing MDBs’ Capital Adequacy Frameworks and CEO of SouthBridge Investments
  • Marc-Andre Blanchard, Chair, Investor Leadership Network (ILN)/ SMI Blended Finance Task Force and Executive Vice-President and Head of CDPQ Global
  • Faith Ward, Chair, The Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC) and Chief Responsible Investment Officer, Brunel Pension Partnership
  • Peter Damgaard Jensen, Co-Chair, The Climate Investment Coalition (CIC)


13h00-13h45: The Just Transition Investors Alliance (JTIA) Launch 

Leaders in this session will launch The Just Transition Investors Alliance (JTIA) and discuss how ecosystem wide collaboration between institutional investors as universal owners, investee company corporates as customers and MDB’s, regional banks and development finance institutions, as private capital credit enhancers, will play a transformational role, in mobilizing private capital at scale for Africa’s Just Energy Transition and integration into premium value chains of the $10trn per annum and growing, global green industrial economy. 


Dr. Hubert Danso, Chairman of Africa investor Group and the Chair of the NDC Awards Adjudication panel.

  • Bekele-Thomas, Chief Executive Officer, AUDA-NEPAD
  • Mary Robinson, Former President of Ireland
  • John Denton, Secretary General, ICC
  • Halla Tomasdottir, CEO, The B Team
  • Jingdong Hua, Vice Chair, International Sustainability Standards Board
  • Christophe McGlade, Head of Energy Supply Unit, IEA


13h45 – 15h00: African NDC Investment Awards Ceremony

The NDC Investment Awards are sponsored by the African Green Infrastructure Investment Bank (AfGIIB) as the headline partner.

These Ai NDC awards recognize achievements across the main NDC project sectors and reward the governments, institutions and individuals driving transactions and improving the investment readiness of Africa’s NDC projects requiring $3trn of investment by 2030.


Keynote Awards Welcome and Winner Presentations

MC: Hubert Ruzibiza, Senior Advisor, Climate Finance and Technical Assistance, African Green Infrastructure Investment Bank (AfGIIB)

  • Dr. Hubert Danso, Chairman of Africa investor Group and the Chair of the NDC Awards Adjudication panel.
  • Marie Lam-Frendo, CEO, Global Infrastructure Hub,
  • H.E. Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko, Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy, and Sustainable Environment (ARBE), The African Union Commission (AUC) (TBC)

NDC Investment Awards Presentation:

  • Best Waste NDC Initiative of the Year
  • Best Energy NDC Initiative of the Year
  • Best Transport NDC Initiative of the Year
  • Best Forestry NDC Initiative of the Year
  • Best Agriculture NDC Initiative of the Year
  • Best Education NDC Initiative of the Year
  • Best Health NDC Initiative of the Year
  • Best Water NDC Initiative of the Year
  • Best Tourism NDC Initiative of the Year

NDC Presidential Champions of the Year Awards Presentation:

To recognize exemplary presidential leadership on Africa’s climate transition, the Awards Secretariat will present the following Honorary NDC Presidential Champions of the Year Awards.

  • Presidential ‘Green Infrastructure Champion’ of the Year.
  • Presidential ‘Green Infrastructure Champion’ of the Year
  • Presidential ‘Just Transition Champion’ of the Year
  • Presidential ‘Carbon Exchange Champion’ of the Year
  • Presidential ‘Transport’ Champion of the Year
  • Presidential ‘Water’ Champion of the Year
  • Presidential ‘Agriculture’ Champion of the Year


Closing remarks

Senator the Honourable Matthew Samuda, Jamaica, Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Co-chair, The NDC Partnership (TBC)